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Actually .. you can't.. If you have a picture in your phone and you want it to be your Profile picture on facebook.. you Have to transfer it from your phone.. to a Computer/Laptop/Netbook/etc...

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

you can't, you can just upload picture using your mobile


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βˆ™ 12y ago

Simply tap on your Profile photo and go to edit photo click on it and from that you can upload and change your profile photo.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: How can change your facebook picture on mobile?
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Go to your profile, and then hover over your picture. Then click change profile picture.

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It depends on your personal facebook texting settings. You can change these by going to account settings>mobile>facebook mobile.

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Absolutely not. I have unlimited text and pictures, and I send pictures to facebook mobile all the time, free of charge.

How do you send photos to facebook from mobile phone?

I usually send a picture message to my email and save the picture to my computer there. Then I upload it onto Facebook, but I think there might be an easier way. This takes a while sometimes.

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you have to find another picture that you like and then click on it and underneath it says change to profile picture just lick that then that picture will insantly change in o that ENJOY

What is Facebook mobile?

It is FaceBook on your mobile device.

How do you change your picture on your Hunger Games DIP card on Facebook?

To change your photo, go to settings.

How do I change my profile picture without connecting a facebook/twitter account?

Change the pfp on your browser.

How do you get a a picture on your profile picture?

Easy just click on your picture on facebook "at the top" then tap change photo and choose a photo from your gallery.