they can match by having lots of things in common with each other but if the couple does not have anything in common with each other it is not matching
You just put "Ask to be girlfriend/boyfriend" Or if he/she doesn't want you and you really really like her/him, you will need a match-maker there, and there are some match-makers on MSP. Even I know one...cause I am one ^.^
Boyfriend and girlfriend
yes they are boyfriend and girlfriend
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend was created in 1998.
You get a boyfriend/girlfriend by being kind to the person you want as you boyfriend/girlfriend and becoming their friend. Then when you get the courage you ask them out.
It can go either way. The boyfriend giving it to the girlfriend or the girlfriend giving it to the boyfriend. And just in case you roll this way: girlfriend to girlfriend or boyfriend to boyfriend works out too. I don't think there are any rules for this.
boyfriend is novio and girlfriend is novia
They are boyfriend and girlfriend. Novio is boyfriend. Novia is girlfriend. When you put them together it is a male plural. (Novios)
Jade and Beck from "Victorious" are boyfriend and girlfriend
If you have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, then you are cheating on both of them.
no he has a boyfriend
very easily