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Men are a strange species. When a young boy likes a girl he acts out by pulling her hair and teasing her. When he is a teenager there is no way to tell dear. Sometimes he will show it and give you attention, sometimes he doesn't ever say a word to you. By the time he matures he finally usually is able to express that he likes you.

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Q: How can a girl know that the man likes her?
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You will just know. Trust me man, trust me. I've had much experience.

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I dont know, it is different for every guy. I would recommend asking him what it is that he likes best.

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most guys tease the girl he likes, so probably

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this is simple get to know this girl

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That means he girl likes you and answer that question by telling the girl something she likes to do. If you don't know what the girl likes to do then you're a goner

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if she talks to you and touches you on the leg or something like that. then that means she likes you.