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A gay person can get AIDS in exactly the same way that a straight person can get AIDS: by contracting the HIV virus, usually through sex with an infected person or by using infected needles.

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Q: How can a gay person get AIDS?
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Will gay get AIDS?

Everyone can get AIDS, mostly by having unprotected sex with an infected person.

Can gay men get aids faster than not gay people?

Gay people are said to get AIDS faster than straight people because they are thought to change sexual partners more often; so a gay person can get aids as easily as a straight person if they change sexual partners with same frequency.

Can you get AIDS from smoking weed with a gay guy?

No, being gay doesn't mean the person has aids. and if he did, the only way you could get it was if you both had cuts, and his blood got in one of your cuts. or you could have sex with him.

Do all gay men have aids?

No. Only a minority of gay men have AIDS.

Could a14 year gay child get aids?

There is a possibility for gay 14 year old children to contract HIV/AIDS, ONLY if he/she has been engaging in sexual activities with another person with HIV/AIDS. There is also an equal likelihood for a straight person to contract AIDS - it is not your sexuality that determines whether you are prone to diseases or not!

Can you get AIDS from a gay dude sneezing in your mouth?

No. You can't get AIDS from any gay person unless they carry the HIV virus and they transmit it to you. And generally speaking, a sneeze is going to be a low risk factor in transmitting the HIV virus.

Do gay people want aids to make them feel like they have a baby inside?

AIDS does not have the ability to make one feel pregnant. It is only sickness. Gay people and bisexuals are just like any Heterosexual person and do not wish for the life threatening disease, AIDS. More straight people than gay people have AIDS, due to unprotected sexual intercourse or touching AIDs infected blood with an open cut upon the skin.

How gay is aids?


What group has more AIDS heterosexual or gay?

More Heterosexuals have AIDS than gay people do.

Who was the leader of the church?

i am as gay as aids

Do most gay people have aids?

Only a minority of gay people have AIDS. AIDS is a disease EVERYONE has to worry about. AIDS is NOT a gay disease. Women can pass it on to women, men can give it to women, men can give it to men. Sex is NOT the only way to transmit the disease. It doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, bi, lesbian, transgendered, WHATEVER. YOU are still at risk for AIDS.

Does tyrese Gibson have aids is he gay or not is chili dating him only?

No to all those his not gay he dosent have aids and him and chilli are just friends