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She shouldn't even try.

That's almost 1/3 of her body weight.

You simply can't dump that overnight in any reasonably healthy way.

Particularly not if you want it to stay off.

The healthy and sensible approach is to aim to lose 1-3 lbs/week.

That is doable on a fairly normal-looking diet, and it allows the new and healthy habits enough time to get established.

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Q: How can a 180 pound girl lose 50 pounds fast?
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You can't lose weight this fast healthily. One pound a week is considered achievable. See a doctor or health professional.

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You might want to rephrase your question, but to lose one pound, you must lose one pound. Every 3500 calories is one pound.

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It depends on how much you are eating and exercising. It also depends on your calorie deficit. If it's a 500 calorie deficit a day, you will lose a pound a week. If it's a 1,000 calorie deficit a day, you will lose two pounds. Add 500 to each day and you will lose an extra pound. But, it's not good to lose more than 3 pounds a week.

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Photoshop, plastic surgery or a fullbody corset. There is no healthy way to lose 56 pounds in less than two months. Healthy weightloss would be about 2 pounds a week. That's around 16 pounds in two months.

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you ar ea couple of pounds hevy but you can lose the weight fast.

If i lost 55 calories how much did i lose in weight?

* yes about 5 pounds This is wrong. There are 3500 calories in a pound. You must "lose" 3500 calories through diet or exercise to lose 1 pound. It would take a reduction of 17,500 calories to lose 5 pounds.

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There are many people that can lose a pound of weight every day but it is not healthy to do so. Losing one to two pounds a week is a good amount to lose.