Sheridan C Sliver streak and CB Blue streak. Nickel or black 19.5 inch barrel Walnut stock. rotating safety.
C9 Sliver streak 19.38 inch barrel, rifled brass barrel, nickel finish American hardwood stock.
CB9 Blue streak Same as above except Black finish.
C9BP Polished brass plating "may" have medallion in the stock
All of these are .20 caliber.
Crosman airguns owns both Sheridan and Benjamin air rifles and guns. All Sheridan rifles are .20 caliber. All Benjamin rifles are either .177 or .22 caliber but both use the same design and stock.
See the link below for the owners manual
You can tell if you have a Browning Gold Medallion Boss Rifle by looking at the stamp on the barrel. It lists the model of the rifle as well as its serial number.
We need the make of rifle.
you can tell how old a rifle is buy finding who made the rifle,the model number and then the serial number.with that info then you could ask that question just like you asked this one.
Serial number, features
The model number should be stamped into the barrel near the Winchester name. It will say "model" or "model of"
by the serial number. Post the serial number here on answers, put it in the "air gun and air rifle" category and I'll locate an answer for you.
Tell made 4 different models. What model are you asking about and what condition is it in.
Blue Book of Gun Values
There are dozens of different models of the Mossberg 22 rifle. You did not tell us which model, and we need that to give you an answer. Sorry.
You did not tell us which model. Not enough information to answer. Sorry.
No way to tell from a serail number alone- and you DO realize there is more than one model of Enfield rifle?
Tell us the MAKE as well as model, and it will be much easier for us to give you a correct answer.