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It all depends on the size of you and if you eat and do the right things

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Q: How big will your breasts get during pregnancy?
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Why do your breasts get bigger during pregnancy?

The breasts are preparing to produce milk for breast feeding.

Is it normal for your breasts to leak during pregnancy?


When do breasts change color?

Breasts change color during pregnancy or with inflammatory breast cancer.

How big can a woman's breasts get?

This is hard to answer. With surgery now a days, they can make breasts extremely large! Plus, when a woman loses weight, her breasts shrink a little. When she gains weight, they grow a little. I've seen bra sizes to "G."

What are some symptoms that show during an early pregnancy?

Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue

When do your breasts become sore during pregnancy?

Yes. Sore breasts in early pregnancy are common. As they begin to develop the mechanism for producing milk, there are a lot of changes and things get a bit crowded.

When swollen or tender breast happen during pregnancy?

Swollen and/or tender breasts are usually among the first signs of pregnancy.

What can you do to make your breasts grow bigger during pregnancy?

Just wait for it and it will happen naturally!

Is extremely sore breasts during early pregnancy normal?

yes, very normal

When do the breasts start to increase in size during a pregnancy?

Hello, You may notice changes in your breasts within the first 2 months of pregnancy. As for there size increase, this usually occurs during & after the 4th month of pregnancy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts. ------------------------------------------------------------

Will your breasts leak in the beginning of pregnancy?

No, breasts leak in the latter part of pregnancy.

Why do girls develop breasts?

Girls develop breasts so when they have a baby, they are able to breastfeed. During pregnancy the breasts get larger and fill with milk to feed the baby. Those are the main reasons girls develop breasts.