The size that is used by a professional body piercer in a licensed and inspected facility that conducts body piercing services. Listen this is not a venue to provide "how to" information that can lead to serious personal injury in the hands of the public.
Wikianswers is not meant for this sort of Q and A.
If you want the piercing done, see a professional and pay the money to get it done right the first time. Once you pierce the tissue and screw it up with your attempt to have a navel piercing, you will have left a professional body piercer and mess to fix and it will never look right or pretty.
See a professional body piercer for your piercing needs. Age limits are there for a reason, generally it has to do with development and maturity to look after a piercing correctly.
No because you need to be able to get it out or else it will get infected and need to be surgically removed.
You need to peruse your local shops and talk to many people in there about it. There are no "stores" as in wal-marts, targets or the like that will pierce a belly button for various reasons.
There is no such thing as belly button dandfruff, you probably just need to clean the inside of your belly button.
What you need to know is that you should never pierce yourself unless you are a professional piercer. You can get very very sick and die from infections. Read the article below.
In order to get your belly button pierced at a piercing shop you must be over the age of eighteen. However the operation is very simple to do yourself , all you need is a sewing needle and a lighter, first sterilize the needle by heating it with the lighter, then you can pierce the place right above your belly button, do it quickly before the needle cools and desterilizes, you may want to cool the area with ice before piercing.
Its actualky kinda easy all u do is take a piece of ice anf rub it all around the area your piercing and for example if your peircing your belly button u need to numb the inside and outside of your belly button all over very well.
No, your belly button is what used to be your umbilical cord. After you are born it is formed into a belly button and has no more use.
Actually you need to sterilize the needle before you pierce the body. Some people will hold it under a flame or hot water to sterilize it but alcohol is better.
Go to the Association of Professional Piercers website. They have a directory of shops there. Of course, you'll need a parent's permission to get a piercing at 14.
Yes if you still need the needle to pierce yourself it is cool but not someone else because it is you needle now that it went through your lip.
Yes. There are several veins running underneath the surface of your belly button, so there should be blood. I am pretty sure that you need to clean it daily or else it could get infected and swell up and bleed. Just don't pierce your belly button.
It is not recommended to intentionally turn your belly button inside out as it can cause injury or infection. If you have concerns about your belly button, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.