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Actually you need to sterilize the needle before you pierce the body. Some people will hold it under a flame or hot water to sterilize it but alcohol is better.

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Q: Heat the piercing needle before you pierce?
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How do you sterelize needle?

you can heat it with flame and dip it in alcohol

Ok if you were to pierce your belly button yourselt what will you need?

Answer:Body piercing is not a hobby, it is a serious procedure that can - if performed and treated incorrectly - cause serious injury and infection requiring medical attention. Pierce it yourself kits are irresponsible and dangerous. Please seek the advice and assistance of a trained professional body piercer for all your body piercing requests. What you need to pierce your own belly button is a phone book and some common sense, book an appointment with a professional body piercer. WikiAnswers is not a venue to provide how to instruction that can lead to serious injury through misuse of the information. This site is not intended to provide individuals with the ability to harm themselves or others by use of posted information. Consult a professional body piercer.

Why that you should cool first the inculating loop or needle before using?

Cooling the inoculating loop or needle before using helps to prevent heat from damaging the sample being inoculated. It also prevents the inadvertent killing of the culture being transferred and helps to ensure accuracy in the transfer process. Additionally, cooling the loop or needle reduces the risk of accidental burns to the user.

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Adjusting the gas needle valve controls the flow rate of gas entering the burner. Decreasing the gas flow by turning the needle valve counterclockwise results in a smaller, bluer flame with less heat, while increasing the gas flow by turning the needle valve clockwise produces a larger, yellower flame with more heat.

How can you get a piercing out of your nose if the head part of the piercing is stuck?

Try to take it out while you're in the shower or immediately after you get out. The heat/steam will make your skin softer & easier to stretch. If you still can't get it out, go back to the piercer who did it & he'll remove it for you.

What team was mike miller on before the heat?

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Since the needle in a compass is magnetized by induction it loses its magnetism easily by rough contact or heat.

How long should you wait to go tanning after getting your belly button pierced?

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to go tanning after any body piercing. When lying in a tanning bed, the jewelry that is in a new piercing will heat up and burn your raw pierced skin. This is not good for the healing process. I'm not sure what happens if you do, but to be on the safe side, DON'T TAN WITH A NEW PIERCING!!!!

Your tack on a 1995 Nissan pick-up started going up and down now it has stopping doing anything Where do you need to start to find the problem?

Check that the indicator needle has not bent over at the tip and is dragging on the dial. If it has you can apply a heat gun to the needle and straighten it - but it will eventually bend again - perhaps try gluing a sewing needle to the underside.

Can you microwave overnight oats to heat them up before eating?

Yes, you can microwave overnight oats to heat them up before eating.

How do you pull the Spark Plugs with the heat shields out of a 2000 Jetta?

you need to remove the intake plenum to get to the 2 center plugs on a 2.0L . A long pair of curved needle nose pliers aids in removing the wires,make sure you twist them from side to side first before pulling them of.