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Spores are dispersed by the wind

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8mo ago

Basidiospores are typically dispersed by wind, rain, or by animals. The spores are released from basidia, which are found on the gills or pores of basidiomycete fungi such as mushrooms. The spores are lightweight and can be carried over long distances by air currents.

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What are reproductive cells formed on mushroom gills called?

Reproductive cells formed on mushroom gills are called basidiospores. Basidiospores are produced on the basidia, which are specialized structures found on the gills of mushrooms. When basidiospores are released, they can germinate and give rise to new mycelium.

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Basidia and the basidiospores produced on them.

Which of the folllowing spores are sexually produced?

Zygospores, ascospores, and basidiospores are sexually produced spores. Zygospores are produced by fungi in the Zygomycota phylum, ascospores by fungi in the Ascomycota phylum, and basidiospores by fungi in the Basidiomycota phylum.

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The types of sexual spores in fungi include zygospores, ascospores, and basidiospores. Zygospores result from the fusion of two haploid cells, ascospores are enclosed in a sac-like structure called an ascus, and basidiospores are produced externally on a basidium.

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Into mature basidiomycota. This includes mushrooms stinkhorns, wheat rust, and more.

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Is dispersed an adjective?

It can be (dispersed locations, dispersed protesters). But it is primarily a verb form. Dispersed is the past tense and past participle of the verb (to disperse).

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