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The main reason that intoxication results in varied behaviors is that those behaviors are largely the result of "alcohol expectancies." That is, people tend to conduct themselves while intoxicated as they expect to act while intoxicated.

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Q: How alcohol affects the brain and makes people act so differently when under the influence?
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How does alcohol affect social development?

Alcohol affects your brain, it basically tricks it so you misjudge things. But also it can help people because some people are social when they are drunk/tipsy so it always depends on what you're like when you are drunk.

What affects impression management?

In sociology impression management is a process which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people by controlling information in interactions.Ê It is a form of self presentation.

What are factors that influence te effects of alcohol on the mind and body?

The effects of alcohol on the mind are largely a result of the drinker's "alcohol expectancies." We tend to react to alcohol in terms of what we think it does to us. People who falsely believe they are consuming alcohol will act intoxicated! The effects of alcohol on the body depend on how much and how often we drink. Consuming alcohol regularly and in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is either abstaining from alcohol or abusing it.

If you hang out with people who use drugs or alcohol you probably will too true or false?

True. Unless you are a very strong person and influence those people for good you will probably end up like them

How people influence organisations and how organisations influence people?

People influence organizations in that the organizations are run depending on what people want. On the other hand organizations also influence people in that most people will do things as per the policies of the organization. There is a mutual relationship between people and organizations.

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Why does liquor casuse diarrhea?

Honestly, any alcohol you can drink can cause diarrhea.

How do people act when drinking?

People can easily become intoxicated when consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol affects each person differently but there are general guidelines as too how many drinks causes one's blood-alcohol level to be too high to operate a vehicle. Drinking on an empty stomach or drinking quickly can cause intoxication rapidly.

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What are inpaired drivers?

People that are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

How many things have foreign influence?

the foreign people influence people in a good way ,like trying new foods ,speaking a different language and dressing differently

Is someone on heroin dangerous to others?

They can be. They are under the influence of a strong narcotic. People react differently to these.

What genetic factors influence how UV affects people?

sunscreen THatZ NoT A FAcToR GEnIUz

As people get older does alcohol affect their bodies differently?

Because of physical changes (for example, a lower proportion of water in body), alcohol tends to effect older people more than younger people.

What usually goes on in alcohol rehabs?

In alcohol rehabs, people learn to withdrawal from alcohol by talking about the bad news associated with drinking and how it affects family and friends and social life.

One potential influence that causes people to drink alcohol is one's sense of?


What factors influence people's food choices?

Your peers, family members and advertisement defineetly affects your food choices. if you are taking a quiz then the answer is convenience as NOT an influence

What is the ethical view on alcohol?

Any system of ethics is not universal and people look upon various things differently. It would depend on what society you are referring to as to the view of alcohol.