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I've been getting the shot every 3 months for 4 years now without using protection and it has work just fine for us. No babies!

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Q: How affective are birth control shots?
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Related questions

Can you still get pregnant while on birth control?

Yes, no Birth Control is 100% affective.

How effective is birth control after you have stopped using it?

not affective at all.

What type of birth control is most affective?

Abstinence then IUD.

Is vaccine a useful method for birth control?

Birth control vaccines don't exist, but you can get birth control shots.

How affective are birth control pills after a month if used correctly?

99.9% effective

Can birth control shots prevent you from having children in the future?

No it does not.

Where do you get shots for birth control in your body?

in your arm eaither one.

Can steroid injections cause a false pregnancy?

Birth control shots cannot cause falsely positive pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests measure hCG (human corionic gonatotropin). Birth control shots contain entirely different hormones.

Which of all birth control methods are partially effective?

The ONLY birth control that is 100% affective is abstinece. But, if you get on a pill, shot, or IUD AND use condoms, you are much less likely to become pregnant. There are several different ways to avoid it.

Why cant you use birth control with having blood clots?

Birth control pills increase the risk for blood clots. If you already have blood clots, birth control pills could make the clots worse. There are other birth control methods which could be good alternatives, condoms, diaphragms, shots, and IUDs.

How affective is it to get pregnant without birth control?

Do you mean how easily can you become impregnated? Very easily. I did not use protection one time with my fiance and I became pregnant.

What is the best birth control you can get?

The only birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence. Effectiveness of birth control really depends on the person. Some options may be pills, patches, shots, rings, condoms and surgery. The best advice is to visit your doctor and have the doctor help you decide.