Some women have light bleeding during their pregnancy but it is not a period, a menstrual period is the shedding of the uterine lining - if the uterine lining sheds during pregnancy the embryo or fetus would be miscarried.
no because you get a period when your womb lining isn't being used so I'm sorry to say if you get your period while you're pregnant you have gotten a miscarraige but check with your doctor if I'm wrong then you might be lucky! no because you get a period when your womb lining isn't being used so I'm sorry to say if you get your period while you're pregnant you have gotten a miscarraige but check with your doctor if I'm wrong then you might be lucky!
When pregnant, you do not get your period
Is it normal?No. It is NOT normal to have your period at this time. YES you can have a period while pregnant. Some women don't realise they are pregnant til a few months gone because they have gotten their period. Get checked out by a doctor immediately!
No because if you are on your period you are not pregnant.
No you really shouldn't be having your period while pregnant and the second part would be normal if you weren't pregnant.
No as your egg is already being released, so it will carry on, how can you get pregnant while being on your period? theres no fertilization there
Your best bet is to test. PMS and Pregnancy symptoms are very similar that it is easy to confuse the two. Just because you havent gotten your period doesnt not necessarily mean you are pregnant. TEST You can have spotting while pregnant. Its is quite common. On rare occasions a women will have what seems to be her period the first couple of months.
no because if the egg is then fertilised, then you will become pregnant, and you do not have periods while you are pregnant.
It is a very rare circumstance. If you have your period, you are not pregnant.
No, but during early stages of being pregnant you can get bleeding which seems like a normal period. This is common.
You can't have your period while being pregnant. However, you can have vaginal bleeding frequently during your first trimester.
You don't get a period while you're pregnant