It is a very rare circumstance. If you have your period, you are not pregnant.
Tubal ligation just keeps the egg from reaching the uterus. It does not change the hormones secreted by the ovaries, so menstruation proceeds as normal.
Yes, but it is very uncommon.
YES you can still ovulate without a menstrual cycle. Also you can still get pregnant without a period.
You usually ONLY get pregnant before a cycle. If you are having a cycle, then you are not pregnant, so your body is getting rid of the material that it built up over the past month getting you ready for pregnancy.
My understanding is that YES you can still get pregnant if you have only been "on the pill" for two days. From what I can gather, oral contraceptives are most effective after being in consistent use through the first cycle. This gives the contraceptive time to manage a woman's cycle, and prevent conception.
If she is still having a regualr cycle then she could still become pregnant, although it can be more difficult.
Yes, before you get your period for the first time you ovulate so then you can get pregnant.
Yes, what makes you think a women at 47 or older cannot get pregnant? If a women still has her monthlly menstrual cycle, then she can get pregnant..but sometimes there are complications at birth.
Some women go through an entire pregnancy not realizing they are pregnant until delivery, so it is plausible. If you are pregnant this 'period' might be different from your regular cycle (being shorter, lighter, longer etc). If you're concerned you might be pregnant take a pregnancy test and consult your doctor.
You can still get pregnant from pre-ejaculation. And on your period or not, you can still get pregnant.
Yes, you're still a minor. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor.