No weeds never killed anyone but the smoke can cause an underlying illness like Asthma to flare up and cause an asthma attack which someone can die from or if it’s fake thc or thc mixed with synthetic thc that can cause irregular heartbeats shortness off breath which can also lead to sudden death intensified by the weed itself but weed still would and could never be the cause alone.
Smoking Weed has never killed anyone.
Hit, but not killed
Weed has never killed anyone but can cause paranoia when used excessively and lead to harder drugs.
no he raps about that like in 3am but no he has never killed anyone
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chinese people have killed and been killed. China (earthenware) has been used to kill someone. China (the country) has not killed anyone.
No, Lady Gaga has never killed anyone.
Many of them........ *yes*
No he has not.