Smoking Weed has never killed anyone.
uh, no. haha.
Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed
no one has ever died from just smoking weed.
no one has died from smoking weed and no one will ever die from smoking mean green so smoke as much as u want peace.
Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits
No you can not get skinnier from smoking weed
smoking what? weed? or ciggs?
Yes, she has. She has been smoking weed ever since she was a young teen. If you look through her past movies, she is filmed smoking at one scene. I've heard on her past interview that she has tried and put efforts to stop smoking and has gotten support from her Twilight co-star, Robert Pattinson. But I don't think it's working because I still see her smoking in the media.
No but weed does
THC can be found in your hair for up to seven years after you quit smoking. So shave you head.