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yes but just because it's been heard of by me or anyone else for that matter doesn't make

it true

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Q: Has anyone heard of making meth from gun blue?
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Has anyone heard of making meth from gun blue and ammonia?

Yes, I have heard of that. I don't know whether it is possible or not.

Recipe for making crystal meth with gun blue?

Gun blue is selenium dioxide. Quite toxic and can not be used in any way to make meth. The very concept of gun blue meth is so ridiculous that if you even have to ask you shouldn't be considering it.

Why is crystal meth blue?

Normally these days, the only reason why its blue is because they changed the color make it look better. However, real blue meth is real and normally stranger. The chemicals are different that are used for making the meth so the drugs look different. There is also pink,clear;brown Nd white meth. (Only from what iv seen)

What are the cons of making meth?

Making Methamphetamine which is often called meth is illegal. The chemicals used to make Methamphetamine are highly volatile and many meth labs have experienced a fire or explosion.

Is ephedra used in making meth?

Ephedrine HCL or pseudoephedrine HCL, two alkaloids found in ephedra, can be used in making meth.

How do you know if someone is making meth out of amphetamines?

You don't. First, meth is an amphetamine. If you are referring to amphetamine as in Adderall, you can't make meth out of that.

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What turns the meth blue in Breaking Bad?

The blue meth on Breaking Bad is fictional. It's just a prop for the tv show. In-universe, the reason for the blue color is never explained. Even Gale Boetticher, an expert chemist in the show, does not know why it is blue.

How do you make gun blue meth?

Search it on the web , there are plenty of methods showing you how . I know how , but i cant say on here as it is illiegal . Sometimes Gun blue meth is just regular meth mixed with colouring , but sometimes its boom meth . Meth is a risky drug you dont know whats in it . But yeah i cant tell you on here as it is illiegal . But there are plenty of recipies and cooking methods online . I promise

Does meth make a woman cheat?

No.A woman who has sufficiently bad judgement to use meth would probably cheat also, but it's not the meth that's making her do so.

How do you grow crystal meth with kingsford charcoal and gun blue?

You don't