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I just had a period 2 weeks ago then had sex when i got off now im spotting i dont know if it mean im pregnant or not kinda worried myself

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Q: Had my period 2weeks ago and 2weeks later im bleeding again?
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What does it mean if you have your period then a week later you are bleeding again?

If you have your period and then a week later you are bleeding again it may be a sign of disease or injury. If you experience these symptoms you should make an appointment with your doctor for an examination.

If you get your period this month and it lasted more than it usually last but the a week later you get it again but I am not bleeding that much what can this mean i don't take the pill?

Your period is irregular. So what.

Had normal period then started again for 3 days 12 days later?

Had my normal period dec 6th thru the 10th had sex on the 11th again on the 15th started light bleeding on the 20th for 3 days .

Why are you still bleeding after your period is over with two days ago and then you started back?

I have the same thing happening to me. I had a "regular" period this month, then three or four days later I started bleeding again, very heavy, even for my period when it usually starts and the blood is bright red.

You Had a miscarriage at 5 weeks then bleeding stopped and then two weeks later started again?

most likely you had a miscairriage, then two weeks later had your period. You may want to talk to a doctor though.

What causes menstrual bleeding for over two weeks?

my daughter has been on her normal period and then 2 weeks later again and it has been over 2 weeks that she has been bleeding. what could this possibly be? is it something to worry about?

Had your period on the 13th and now 15 days later you are bleeding again?

Dont worry... its no big deal. Some times periods run through a couple days.... it will probolly happen again somtime. But its nothing to be concerned about.

What if a dog in heat in heat bleeds then when out of heat stops bleeding but a few days later starts again?

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I had my regular period then a week later i was bleeding like you were on your period what is wrong?

Well, I would suggest going to a Doctor. But, if you became pregnant within that week, it could be probably be bleeding. !

You took a pregnancy test and it was negative then you had your period 2 days later was it your period or pregnancy bleeding?

Most likely your period. You're probs not pregnant.

After having a baby you stop bleeding get your period then your period goes off then 3 days later you have a little bright red bleeding is this heard of?


Is it possible to have implantation bleeding before a regular period?

Yes, it is possible to experience implantation bleeding before a regular period. Implantation bleeding can occur about 6-12 days after conception, typically around the time of your expected period. This bleeding is usually light and may be mistaken for a menstrual period.