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No Professional Body Piercer will knowingly pierce anyone who maybe pregnant, if that information was not disclosed to the piercer and there is a problem with the pregnancy it's not the piercers problem. It is a high risk piercing at the best of times why throw the possibility of being pregnant in there.

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Q: Getting a tongue piercing during pregnancy?
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What is the chance of your tongue piercing getting infected if your three months pregnant?

generally pregnancy does not interfere with piercings. if your pregnant and you have your belly button pierced, put a zip tie or long bar in it so the piercing will not tear. its likely that if your tongue is infected that it is not pregnancy related. try getting a long bar, and see if that helps.

Do you have to take out lip piercing when getting your tongue done?

Nope, i've had my tongue pierced, and i didn't have to take my lip piercing out.

What hurts more getting an industrial piercing or tongue piercing?

Industrial for sure. Tongue piercings dont hurt that much at all.

What is the tongue piercing price in HTC in Phoenix Az?

The cost of getting a tongue piercing at HTC in Phoenix Az. is different. It all depends on what kind of piercing bar you are wanting.

What is tongue piercing?

A tongue piercing is a piercing through the tongue or any part of the tongue, including the web underneath.

Where do you get your tongue pierced?

At a piercing parlor. Getting it done by a professional is best.

Will your tongue split as you have a tongue piercing?

No, getting a tongue piercing does not cause the tongue to split. The piercing involves creating a hole in the tongue for the jewelry to pass through, but it will not split the tongue itself. Splitting the tongue is a separate body modification procedure that involves surgically cutting the tongue in half.

What do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing?

what do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing"

Im thinking about getting my belly button pierced but I've got my tongue pierced will it hurt compared to that?

No. Piercing your belly button wont hurt as compared to piercing your tongue.

Can your tongue split from getting it pierced?

No, your tongue cannot split from getting it pierced. Splitting or bifurcating the tongue involves a surgical procedure to physically divide the tongue in half. Piercing simply places jewelry through the tongue.

Can you eat a mcmuffin after getting tongue piercing?

Well you can but I don't think that you're supposed to.

Is a tongue ring a genital piercing?

No. A genital piercing includes any piercing on or around your genitals. Not your tongue.