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All i can say is, drink lots of water. Eat food. Ohh, and Pickle Juice helps quite a bit.. And pee as much as you can. But, if your like going in for a pee test, dont pee to much, else they'll ask you why your pee is so clean, and you can still get in trouble.

So pretty much clean your self out, but not to much, to the point were theres nothing in your pee at all. lol ~Samantha. (:

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9mo ago

To get weed out of your system, it's best to refrain from using it and allow your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate the THC. Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up the process. Some people also use detox products or kits, but their effectiveness can vary. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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Q: Get weed out your system
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Does legal weed stay in your system?

Yes of course it does. It will remain in your body just as long as illegal weed would. Weed is weed. no its doesnt stay in your system at all. it has no THC

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yes. you can get high second hand, which means its in your system

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nothing will get weed out of your system except quit using it for at least a month.

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100% no,our skin doesn't absorb weed

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not sure about nissan. i heard their 2012 tacoma or altima can get weed out of any system.

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Can weed get in your system by smelling it?

No, simply inhaling the scent of weed will not cause it to enter your system. In order for weed to enter your system, it must be smoked, vaporized, or consumed orally.

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you cant !

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I smoked weed over the weekend an I have a job interview Wednesday what's the fastest way to get thc out of my system?

If you smoked weed there is not a fast way to get it out of your system. If you have a job interview on Wednesday and you had weed on Wednesday, there is a small chance that it will be out of your system already.

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no it would get weed out your system

Does water help clear weed out of your system?

No , water will not clean weed out of your system. Weed is a terrible drug , and is one of the most dangerous drugs. Weed is a life waster! Weed will stay in your system for a long while and could cause many illness's and side effects. SIDE EFFECTS - vivid colour , breast growth in Males , head pounces and much more. DONT SMOKE WEED. DONT WASTE YOUR LIFE!!