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they dont have a relationship

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Q: Frances relationships with other countries
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Who has the power to establish relationships and recognize other countries?

The president

Who has powers to make treaties?

the president is in charge of relationships with other countries.

What is US relationships with other countries?

jenny fawcett and patty fawcett

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Who have the power to recognize and establish relationship with other countries?

It is typically the role of the president of a country in order to establish relationships with other countries. The president will work with members of their staff and will get in contact with the country they wish to develop relationships with.

What policies of the US government that promote or fail to promote relationships with other countries?

The policies of the United States government that promote or fail to promote relationships with other countries is called Foreign Policy. The United States tries to make sure that people in other countries are treated fairly.

What was Rome relationships with other countries?

Your answer cannot be answered if you do not say what the examples are

What country does uae have a foreign affair with?

Countries do not have affairs in the way you imply in your question. Countries have foreign relations with other countries and the department that deals with these relationships is called the foreign affairs department.A foreign affairs department will have relations with all countries. some of which will be ambassadorial relationships.

How has communications and transportation changed relationships between countries?

It connect to each other in many way...

What has the author Frances Fallon Fuller written?

Frances Fallon Fuller has written: 'Creating climates for growth' -- subject(s): Teaching, Mental health, Teacher-student relationships

What country was considered Frances greatest enemy?

Great Britain. These two countries have a history of long, deadly wars and hated for each other. However, these two countries are great allies today.

What countries does Australia have relationships with?

This depends entirely on the nature of the "relationship". Australia has trade relationships with dozens of countries, and diplomatic relationships with many others.