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Two pink lines pregnant, one pink line not pregnant.

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Q: First response what does 2lines meanon tha pregnancy test?
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How far along must you be in pregnancy if the last day of your period was may 30th and today is June 26th?

What was the first day of your period? That is more important as that is when pregnancy is counted from.

I ovulated at day 16 I am 4 days late for my period so I took a pregnancy test using a 10mul detection pregnancy test it came back negative could I still be pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests are not 100% sensitive, so yes there is a chance that you are pregnant. If that's the case, then the negative result you got the first time is a false negative. It is best to use the serum test which detects B-hCG levels in the blood.

How far along do you have to be for a positive pregnancy test?

Depending on how sensitive the home pregnancy test is, some claim to detect pregnancy as early as 7-14 days after conception. The test measures the hormone hCG, which is released by the body after conception. For best results, take the test with the first morning urination, or wait several hours since the last time you've urinated. Drinking large amounts of water or frequent urination can create inaccurate results. Good luck!

What does a blank result mean after taking a ept digital pregnancy test?

A blank pregnancy test means only one thing that you have used broken or defective test. For every traditional pregnancy test, there appear two lines. The first one generally appears to show that the test is working appropriately while the second one appears if you are pregnant. In case of digital test, there appears an hourglass that appears on the digital screen once you begin to test if nothing appears (means blank) it means the test is defective.

What is the first ordinal number of the sixteenth?


Related questions

First response home pregnancy test accuracy percentages?

they are great at detecting pregnancy early

How reliable is a First Response pregnancy test?

The First Response pregnancy test claims to be extremely reliable. They claim pregnancy can be detected up to three days before a missed period. Check out reviews written by users on Amazon.

Who is actress in the First Response pregnancy test commercial?

Amy raudenbush

What is the best pregnancy test?

First response, about $20 in a drug store or pharmasy.

After using First Response pregnancy test and receiving your answer. If letting the test sit for a while or holding onto it for a little bit will the answer change?

No. Once an answer is on the pregnancy, that is your result.

What pregnancy test is the most effective?

First Response is a good test, but you can buy any off brand they work pretty well.

What pregnancy tests can dectect early?

first response or ept digital certainty, there are others but those are two that i know of specifiacally

What is the best home pregnancy test kit in the market today?

You can get any pregnancy test, as they are all really the same. First Response is good at detecting early pregnancy. If you are trying to get pregnant you would be better off with an ovulation test instead though.

What are the best sort of pregnancy tests?

First response and answer are great. any pink dye test really. stay away from blue dye

How much does first response Pregnancy test cost?

Type your answer here... only 20drh. in Dubai currency that's means like $5 that is it

What causes pregnancy test to give a false reading?

u take the pregnancy test too early tht can cause a false reading so if u are anxious to find out my best suggestion is to get first response.

How quickly can you know if you are pregnant?

The earliest detecting test is one by 'First Response' which is approx 5 days before your missed period. Usually pregnancy symptoms vary but will usually arise in week 6 of pregnancy.