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Q: Excessive flow of blood from the uterus between menstrual periods?
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What is the medical term meaning excessive flow of blood from the uterus between menstrual periods?

metrorrhagiaMenometrorrhagia is flow that is excessive in the amount and timing. Metrorrhagia is excessive number of days, and menorrhagia is excessive flow.

Will you have menstrual periods after hysteretomy?

No, you would obviously no longer menstruate after you've have a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is where the uterus is removed, if you have no uterus then you have no uterus to shed (menstruation).

Can a woman still have menstrual periods after a hystorectomy?

No, a woman cannot still have menstrual periods after a hysterectomy. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining, if there's no more uterus there's no more menstruation.

What happens to the uterus between each ovulation?

Between each ovulation, the lining the uterus is shed in the menstrual cycle. If the egg is fertilized, no further ovulation occurs and no menstrual shedding happens.

Why do girls have to have menstrual periods?

Women have menstrual periods because this is a part of our reproductive cycle. Every cycle we ovulate and the uterus builds-up to prepare for possible pregnancy to care for the fetus, if a woman doesn't fall pregnant then the uterus lining sheds so it can start a fresh next cycle.

Can a girl with a penis have periods?

No, individuals assigned female at birth, who have a uterus and menstrual cycle, can experience periods. Hormonal imbalances or disorders may cause menstruation-like symptoms in people assigned male at birth, but it is not the same as a menstrual cycle.

What happens to your body when you are ready for periods?

When your body is ready for periods, the lining of your uterus thickens in preparation for a potential pregnancy. Hormonal changes cause an egg to be released from one of your ovaries, and if it is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus is shed as menstrual flow.

If girls have periods what do guys have?

Guys do not have periods because they do not have a menstrual cycle. Guys do not experience the same hormonal changes and shedding of the uterine lining that occurs during a menstrual cycle in females.

Can boys get periods?

No, biologically boys do not have the reproductive organs required to menstruate. Menstruation is a process that occurs in people with a uterus as part of the menstrual cycle.

Why do girls have monthly periods?

Girls have monthly periods as part of their menstrual cycle. This cycle prepares the body for pregnancy by shedding the uterine lining if fertilization does not occur. Hormonal changes trigger the shedding of the lining which results in menstrual bleeding.

Why don't males have periods?

Males do not have periods because they do not have a menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is unique to females and is regulated by hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy. In males, the reproductive system does not undergo the same hormonal changes as in females, so they do not experience menstrual bleeding.

What is the difference between a menstrual clot and tissue during menstruation?

Menstrual clots are thickened blood that can appear during menstruation, while menstrual tissue is the lining of the uterus that sheds during a period.