well if you're trying to find a site.. Heres one:
I've found out that its not 100% complete / accurate because I tried to make a buffalogre and found that i can make one using a demon at arms and a bodkin archer (a combination that is not listed in the guide) but this is the best I've seen so far. Enjoy!
Theres another web very usful dqmjinfo.com trust me got everything you need to know
Do not use http:/www.flamingbaby.com/gaming/tips-and-tricks/dragon-quest-monsters-joker-monster-list-and-breeding-guide.html because its been hacked and is contaminated with viruses. Google classed it as dangerous.
sadly you can't you can i Pokemon not DQM Joker 8(
I got my synthesis picks at like when I beat the second boss. My team was Demon at arms, Great Dragon, Hawk heart. You suddenly get synthesis picks when you talk to the synthesis lady a lot of times.
first get an imp, you can get these from the shrine on xeroph island. Then get a dingaling which you can get from fert island, then just synthesise them and BOOM! you have an ancorman : -) hope this helped. Izzy123DQM
synthesise living statue and demon at arms
buy an action replay
You have to beat a Top Ranked Player in the Wildcard World Cup.
fuse a green dragon with a metal slime
Demon rider X Restless Armour Aaron Mays
This has how to synthesis every monster in dqmj. Mortamor is made with Nimzo and Estark.
Yes there are and im stupid!!! no, ur a fag!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
You do a quadruple synthesise (captian crow + Darkonium slime)+(Orgodemir + Rhapthorne 2)