On the contrary, my friend, they get quite large. Your eyes also tend to get bloodshot.
Weed, or marijuana, can cause pupils to dilate or expand due to the effects of THC. This dilation occurs because THC can affect the autonomic nervous system, which controls functions like pupil size.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that smoking weed stems specifically is bad for your eyes. However, smoking in general can have negative effects on eye health, as smoke can irritate the eyes and potentially lead to dryness or redness. It's best to consume cannabis through other methods like vaping or edibles to reduce potential eye irritation.
Dilated pupils can indicate arousal or interest, but they can also be caused by other factors like excitement, fear, or even certain medications. It's more accurate to consider dilated pupils along with other body language cues and verbal communication to get a better understanding of someone's feelings towards you.
if you are a virgin your balls increase in mass and the nerves attached can mess your optic nerve and cause your lens to flex. this causes your pupils to dilate when you take off your glasses
no but i makes your pupils small and gives you bloodshot eyes
Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed
Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits
No you can not get skinnier from smoking weed
smoking what? weed? or ciggs?
No but weed does
Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.
Do everything you can do to get your mind off of it. Do a hobie of yours everyday in place of smoking weed.
smoking weed is bad in general, but yes, i wold say that smoking weed during a pregnancy should be highly avoided as it probably harms the baby.
It means that you're smoking weed.
Women shouldn't be smoking weed period, so the answer is no and no. If you know of someone smoking weed report them to the police.