Yes. it is possible to constipated on your period. or it could be something you ate, or eating to much of some kind of food. you could drink more water, try fiber, or just wait. it will soon pass, that's the cool thing about the human body, it eventually cures itself.
Hope this helped
You can invent any function, to make it periodic. Commonly used functions that are periodic include all the trigonometric functions such as sin and cos (period 2 x pi), tan (period pi). Also, when you work with complex numbers, the exponential function (period 2 x pi x i).
No, humping a pillow doesn't effect your period. Your period is controlled by your menstrual cycles, masturbation has no effect on this what-so-ever.
Yes, your period may arrive early or late, and you may have spotting until your period comes. In addition, the period after that may also be delayed.
If you get your period, you are not pregnant.
Period is how long it takes for the sine and cosine functions to restart repeating themselves. Both have a period of 2pi (360 degrees).
No, and it's common to have diarrhoea or be a bit constipated when having your period or right before it. It's the hormones.
You make it un-constipated.
yes it is normal
If the 1.5 year old is constipated it is probably because of his/her fluid intake. Water cannot make you constipated because your body functions with it. It needs water in order to not be constipated.
What antibiotics make you constipated
Yes, taking laxatives will make you defecate even if you are not constipated.
Yes it does.
You go through period pains because the hormones in your body are going mad .. they want to get fertilised.
Eat a bunch of pumpkin seeds, I wouldn't recommend it...
no but however it will make you constipated.
Yes it can. My son are a large quantity behind my back and he got severely constipated.
No, but it will make you constipated.