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Q: Does your face instantly paralyze if you hit a wrong nerve in your ear when piercing cartaledge?
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Can you paralyze your lip by piercing it?

Sometimes. If you do it by yourself, it can happen. If you pierce it in the wrong spot, you can hit a nerve, resulting in paralyzation. I highly recommend getting it pierced by a purofessional.You can do damage to nerve bundles if you attempt to do your own piercing. Leave it to a professional body piercer.

What muscle will not paralyze when the facial nerve is severed?

Buccinator and masseter

How do you paralyze someone's arms?

pinch the radial nerve causing a temporarly paralyzed arm.

Why is the formation of nerve plexuses a survival advantage?

Damage to a single spinal nerve will not completely paralyze a limb.

Can you hit a nerve when piercing your nipple?


Can you hit a nerve by piercing your ear?

Well if you are piercing your self hitting a nerve should be the least of your worries. The chances are better that you will screw up the piercing or contract an infection by doing it yourself. Leave piercing to trained professional body piercers and then you will have not worries.

What happens if you hit a nerve while getting a piercing?

You will feel pain.

If nerve damage happens during a monroe piercing what are the consequences?

depending on which nerve is damaged almost anything could happen

What do do if you hit a nerve while piercing your bellybutton?

You won't have that problem if you go to a professional.

What will happen if i hit a nerve piercing my nose?

There are no nerves in your nose that can cause you problems.

Top ear piercing is there a nerve?

Yes the ear has various acupressure points all along the rim and edges, they are nerve receptors.

What can go wrong when getting a labret piercing?

Infection is always a risk with any piercing. The lip area has no nerve endings to damage so is risk free there. If the piercing is too low, it can cause gum decay.