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No ... Credit score is based on your cash flow over the period of 7 years or more. It's just not about increases to your income, it's also about how you spend your money, what is charged and how it is paid and when, and how much debt you have currently incurred or have existing today.

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Where can I get my credit score?

You can get your credit score online. You can go to,, or to get your score.

How can I check my credit score?

You can go to and check the credit score. By law you are allowed one free credit score look a year.

What is a good website to get my credit report credit score?

There are many website to get your credit report credit score. You can go to or to find the score.

How can I check my credit score for free?

You can go on to check your credit score for free. It is easy!

How does one go to find out their credit score?

One can find out their credit score by registering to the following credit score websites: 'Experian', 'Credit Karma', 'myFICO', 'Transunion', 'Equifax'.

What can bring down your credit score?

you credit score will go down if you are not paying your monthly bills on time, in order for you to increase your credit score you have to pay your credit bills on time or in full.

Where can I get a free credit score?

You are allowed to get one free credit score from each of the three credit reporting agencies a year. To get your free credit score just go to

Where do you go to get money if you win the lottery?

To the lottery store of course! Generally, the back of the ticket informs you where to go to pick up your winnings. Pick-up locations will be different depending on how much you win.

How do you get free credit score from

The easiest way to get a free credit score from is to go to and fill out the information they require to give you a free credit score.

Where can I find credit score advice online?

You can go to and get your credit score and advice on how to improve your score. You can also go to your banking institution and have them use their repayment calculator as well.

Is a credit score 634 good?

If you go by TransUnion, a 634 credit score is fair. If you go by Experian or Exuifax that is considered poor. As of 2008 a 634 is definitely a bad score.