this is what happend to me im 10 years old so it might be diffrent to an adult but not many girls come up to boys in school so if a girl hangs around with you most of the time they might. If you get a suspicious ask her friends in the end they have to give you the answer hope this helps
The best and only good tank mate for fancy goldfish, are other fancy goldfish.
it basically means your best mate, but a girl its a term used instead of girlfriend but not in a relationship way! x
I think 4 a boy it would be girl boy boy girl so a boy can sit next to his best mate and a pretty girl at the same time and so his best mate can sit next to a girl too...
To get a girl to fancy you, you need to treat her with respect.
Talk to your best mate about it
Usually, yes.
yeah of course they can hamsters can mate with all different hamsters
They should have at least one other cage mate so they do not get lonely and stressed out.
You shouldent be concerned, its a good thing. Wait. . .is your best mate a boy or a girl? Because if your best mate is a guy then she might be cheating on you. You should ask her why shes spending so much time with him/her.
If you fancy a girl at school you should be nice to her. You could ask her to spend time with you.
you don't. if you know she doesn't " fancy " you.. then don't. it might make her uncomfortable. or even scare her. but if you have the balls, and your not gunna listen to that.. then i guess the best answer is --> nothing sexual. :)