nope. people drink juice of some sort though. that's 0range juice if you are actively r0lling water stay hydrated when r0lling s0 water may help trying a chill r00m but water will als0 help t0 clean y0ur chemicaled urine after the fact.
Clean water can flow faster than dirty water because clean water has fewer impurities and particles that can slow down its flow. However, other factors like the volume of water, slope of the terrain, and obstacles in the path can also affect the speed of water flow.
The slingshot water system uses a unique technology to purify contaminated water by vaporizing it and then condensing the vapor to produce clean drinking water. This process removes impurities and pathogens, making the water safe to drink. This system is effective in remote areas where access to clean water is limited.
Drinking a lot of water before a urine test can dilute your urine, potentially reducing the concentration of substances being tested for, such as drugs or toxins. However, labs are aware of this tactic and may flag the sample as too diluted, which may require a retest.
Ecstasy (MDMA) can typically be detected in urine for 1-3 days after use, but frequency and dose of use can impact detection time. Factors such as metabolism and hydration also play a role. It is possible that Ecstasy could still be detected in your system on Monday, 4-6 days after use, depending on individual factors.
If I were to write a hypothesis on making dirty water clean, it would be something like: "If a filtration system is implemented to remove impurities from dirty water, then the water will become cleaner and safe for consumption."
Clean water is evaporated faster.
Clean water evaporates faster.
no, because only water, exercise, and time can clean THC from your system.
You can pretty much clean ecstacy out of your system with anything.. It doesnt stay in your system for very long. If you took ecstacy today and got drug tested for it tommarow, the chances are very low that it would even show up. So if i were you i wouldn't worry about anything.
clean water because dirty water is dirty water dummies and dirt sence when do u see dirt making things grow unles u dirty yourself
algae tends to grow faster in clean water. so it depends if the aquarium is clean or the lake.depends on what lake.
drink a lot of water, thatll get it out of ur system faster. but marijuana can stay in ur hair for a long time, so get a haircut.
No, Drinking water does not get methadone out of your system, in fact. drinking excessive water doesn't really clean your system at all, but dilutes it. Making it possible to pass a drug test, however the drug is still in your system but your sample is watered down to avoid a positive test.
There are many techniques are available to clean your carpet like vinegar and with some water solution.
Heat is the vibration of atoms, so atoms move faster. That's why you can clean things easier in hot water and why smells travel faster in a warmer room.