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Q: Does tongue piercing will close
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Does a tongue piercing close up?

Yes. After a couple hours.

What is tongue piercing?

A tongue piercing is a piercing through the tongue or any part of the tongue, including the web underneath.

What do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing?

what do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing"

Is a tongue ring a genital piercing?

No. A genital piercing includes any piercing on or around your genitals. Not your tongue.

Does tongue piercing cause cancer?

No tongue piercing doesn't cause cancer.

What if you take your tongue piercing out?

You probably shouldn't, especially if it is a newer piercing because it might close up, or you might have a hard time putting it back in agian.

What is a tongue webbing piercing?

Its just a fancy way of saying "tongue peircing".

Does tongue piercing damage teeth?

A tongue piercing does not damage the teeth unless the actual metal piercing rubs against or touches the tongue many times.

How long will your one day old removed tongue piercing take to heal?

Healing will occur very quickly, generally with in a few hours the body will start to mend the piercing point. be sure to clean your mouth out with a good oral rinse and do not brush your tongue. The piercing will close in about 24 ~ 48 hours.

Were does tongue piercing go?

The tongue piercing is usually placed about an inch back from the tip of the tongue, directly through the centre.

How long before a new tongue piercing closes?

A new tongue piercing can start to close within hours to days if jewelry is removed, as the tongue is a fast-healing area due to its rich blood supply. However, it can take several weeks to fully close up depending on individual healing characteristics and how long the piercing has been in place.

Can you take a tongue piercing out 7 hours after having it done?

Of course you can't. It'll close super fast.