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How do idownload iTunes onto th kurio and where on the tablet can itbe accessed

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Q: Does the kurio tablet have itunes music to download?
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Can you download iTunes to a android tablet?

No I Dont think you can download iTunes to an android tablet because iTunes is made by Apple? But if you want to download music onto your tablet you can plug into a laptop/computer using a usb. Download some music from the internet or using youtube converter, Copy and paste it in to your music file of your tablet. Safely unplug your usb and there should be music in your audio player.

How do you put music into an iPad?

Plug your iPad into your computer and open or install iTunes. Alternatively you can download music from iTunes directly to the tablet.

How do you get music on a tablet?

If you're using an iPad, use the iTunes app. If you're using an Android tablet, download "free music download" from Google Play to get music. If you're using a Windows tablet, use the Windows Marketplace & go to the "Music" section.

Can you download iTunes on playstation3?

no but you can download music to it

How you downloAd Punjabi music from iTunes?

If you have an Apple Music subscription, you can log into your Apple ID, select the songs from iTunes and download them for offline listening within the Apple Music app or iTunes desktop client. Alternatively, you can also try Macsome iTunes Converter. It can download iTunes music files and Apple Music tracks on your computer. Then you can find the downloaded tracks locally. In this way, you can listen to iTunes music on any media player.

How do you download free music on your ipod?

Number one way: First download limewire. Then pick songs you want to download on limewire. After that download itunes. After that your music should be on itunes. You have to make sure your ipod is on windows format. Then you import the music on itunes to music or some other file on itunes. And there you have it free music. Yay! Number two way: You download itunes first and then limewire and the rest is the same.

How do you download songs from iTunes on to a disc?

If I download music from itunes to my PC can I burn it to a disc?

What is the site for music?

Download music legally and download iTunes onto your computer!!

Where can you download jamaican music?

You can get it on itunes.

Can you download music videos on ipod using iTunes?

Yes, iTunes can be used to download music videos or any videos for that matter.

How do you put music from iTunes to a phone without a cord?

All you do, is click download and it will download on itunes. Just, you have to use a cord to download it on your ipod. Same thing with music from the internet. It will download on itunes but not on your ipod until you plug it in.

I have an iPhone. how do i download music form iTunes to my iPhone?

After you buy the music in the itunes store you have to sync it.