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Q: Does the Browning BT-99 come right- or left-handed?
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Did a 1989 vintage 270 Browning BAR come with a factory installed recoil pad?

It would have come with a hard plastic buttplate with the word 'BROWNING' on it.

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What grain does a 338 browning come in?

200, 225, 250

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Do BROWNING model 525 shotgun combos come in a case?

If ordered that way

Did Browning sweet 16 come with a poly choke from factory?

No, never. Browning did however install them at their shop in St Louis if the customer wanted to order the gun that way.

Why dont the browning bar safari mk 11 308 come with the boss?

Only Browning knows. My guess is that the 308 is easy to fine tune with loads without it.

What year did browning come out with a bt 99 with that ata logo and state on the side?


How does a Browning 7mm magnun come apart?

Please check the link below for Browning Operations Manuals. Choose the Manual that matches the model of your gun. Instructions there will tell you how to disassemble.

What all calibers does the Browning B78 Sporter come in?

7mm Magnum and 300 Winchester Magnum

Did recoil pads come factory from browning in 1957 on the sweet 16?

No, never. Browning did not make any recoil pads standard on any A5 except the Mag12. For an extra fee, Browning would install it for you at their shops in the US, but it is not factory and was not imported from Belgium with a pad.

Does the 308 Win Browning BAR come with a boss?

Yes and no... Browning used to offer the .308 with the BOSS but not anymore. You might be able to find one in new or excellent condition somewhere, if you're patient.