"Tattoo removal creams can only do so much, the most they can do is fade the tattoo to make it less visible. If you are looking for a permanent tattoo removal then contact your dermatologist."
I'd say no. It'd probably just fade the tattoo at the most.
doesnt work
before that don't forget to use numbing cream visit www.drnumb.comfor purchasing, Thank you!
Rejuvi tattoo removal delivers the removal formula using a tattoo or permanent make-up machine. The treatment can only be performed by a tattoo or permanent make-up artist.
Hair removal creams can work but they depend on your skin type and hair type. It is recommended that before you use any hair removal creams you test it on a small area for allergies.
Tattoo laser removal works by using a laser and treatment is individual to the person's requirement including size and detail of the tattoo. It will require several visits to help remove the tattoo and can have a degree of pain based on the sensitivity of the area and the patient.
.... is a method of removing an unwanted tattoo that involves tattooing a agent into the skin that bonds with the tattoo pigment and helps to expel it to the skin surface. Yes it does work!
The Q-Laser has been proven to be effective at tattoo removal. It is especially effective at removing dark colored ink especially on hands and faces.
lasers can remove tattoos completely. When tattoo removal laser light is applied to the skin, it heats up and shatters the ink particles layer by layer that it reaches first within the skin. some tattoo removal creams can also remove tattoo but it is not approved by FDA. In fact, some DIY tattoo removal kits you can buy on the internet may lead to dangerous side effects. If you are looking for Laser hair removal in Delhi, NCR than India's Dr. Sweksha Dermatology clinic is one of the top hair removal clinic in Delhi.
Many women use a delipatory cream (hair removal cream) to remove underarm hair. Shaving and waxing are also options.
oh my gosh, i have the same problem. same colors and everything. i really want to try it but i cant determine if its a scam or if its really legit. i dont want to spend 80$ if it doesnt work, but if i do end up using it, im hoping for the best. i got a tattoo on a stupid whim and im over it. let me know if it all works out for you---------------------------------------------------------------------New comment by CosmeticTattooistOther common methods of tattoo removal include;LaserSurgeryHere is an alternative method of tattoo removal.http://www.CosmeticTattooist.com/tattooremoval.htmMelbourne Victoria Australia----------------------I've tried using Tat B Gone before and had good results. I removed an old tattoo of an elephant I got years ago. Mine was also small sized and had just a little bit of color in it. I bought the 6 month kit and it lasted me about 8 months. Pretty much faded to nothing by the time I was all through with the jars. Not sure if it works as well on new tattoos, probably just takes a longer time. Good luck.
It is safe to perform a laser removal for a tattoo but like many procedures of this nature there are risks. Some of them cause injuries or scaring as it works like a chemical peel and may not work for everyone.
Yes it does work well, they use lasers to remove tattoos and it's 99% effective since it's fast and easy. However it's not very cheap to remove, no matter what the tattoo is.