The Q-Laser has been proven to be effective at tattoo removal. It is especially effective at removing dark colored ink especially on hands and faces.
A Q-switched laser is a pulse laser that outputs high energy pulses through a variable attenuator. This is often referred to as a "Q-switch" when used in regards to this procedure. Q-switched lasers are commonly used to remove tattoo ink.
The Q switch laser allows light pulses with extremely high peak power to operate in continuous wave. The Q switch leads to lower pulse repetition rates.
Their are different laser mouses for different computers. Laser mouses really work, but only for certain computer models. The best way to make sure is to ask a computer specialist before purchasing the mouse.
A Q-switched laser designer can be found on RP Photonics, ConBio, Med Lite, EC21 Manufacturer, Crystal Laser, Fotona, Market Tech Inc and Eclipse Lasers.
It really depends on what model laser it is.....
I really cannot tell you how laser checks can be used to make purchase having never used one myself, but you could always contact a check company and ask how this happens.
Laser treatment for cataracts involves using a femtosecond laser, an ultra-fast and precise laser technology.
The process of laser hair removal works though the targeting of a specific site with a matching specific wavelength of light. The idea is that the laser targets and disrupts the melanin under the skins surface thereby disabling hair growth.
Umm you post a question on a Q&A website and don't expect an honest answer?
If you are asking about the Laser Shield - License Plate Laser Deflector. The answer is a big NO! Totally worthless.
I belive one type is an argon laser.