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Yes, tattoo's can give you cancer because of the high amount of ink you are injecting into you skin. There are many other types of diseases you can get from tattoos such as: AIDS, tetanus, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis. Though you can reduce you chance of getting such diseases by selecting a good tattoo parlor.

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Q: Does tattoo give us cancer
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Why are you not permitted to give blood after a year of getting a tattoo?

The Chance of hepatitis & other diseases are more likely after a tattoo.

Can you give yourself a tattoo with white out?

You cannot give yourself a tattoo with white out. White out is a chemical substance that could cause harm to you and give you an infection. Just as important, using any substance to give yourself a tattoo is likely to result in an infection unless you have the right equipment, the right inks, the right hygiene procedures and the right training.

Where should a person get a tattoo of the head and neck cancer ribbon on their body?

I will be placing mine on the top of my back, right below the nape of my neck!

What does it mean if the tattoo has a white scab?

The white scab is called secondary healing. Pretty much, it is a brand new layer of sking growing over the top of the tattoo. Because the skin is fresh and an irregular pattern to it, it will look a little funny. Do not stress about it. If you give it about a week, that layer will peel off, and under it you will have a shiny layer over the tattoo. Give that a week, and you will be fully healed up. From the sounds of it, your tattoo is healing great, but if you have any further questions, you should go to the shop where you got the tattoo to have them look at it. It is really hard to make a call on how the tattoo is healing without being able to see it.

Is it illegal to give tattoos without a licence in Vermont?

YES! It is Illegal to give someone a tattoo without a license in Vermont. A tattooist must be licensed, working in a licensed shop and have up to date bloodbourne pathogen training to legally tattoo in Vermont. Punishment for illegal tattooing in Vermont is up to $1000 for each illegal tattoo plus possible jail time.