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You cannot give yourself a tattoo with white out. White out is a chemical substance that could cause harm to you and give you an infection. Just as important, using any substance to give yourself a tattoo is likely to result in an infection unless you have the right equipment, the right inks, the right hygiene procedures and the right training.

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Q: Can you give yourself a tattoo with white out?
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You don't. Any method other than using a sharpie to draw on your skin is dangerous.

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18 if your by yourself, but you can get one any age if you have an adult with you or give you permission.

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you cannot really ''self-tattoo'' yourself unless you have all the nessecary equipment.

What does it mean if the tattoo has a white scab?

The white scab is called secondary healing. Pretty much, it is a brand new layer of sking growing over the top of the tattoo. Because the skin is fresh and an irregular pattern to it, it will look a little funny. Do not stress about it. If you give it about a week, that layer will peel off, and under it you will have a shiny layer over the tattoo. Give that a week, and you will be fully healed up. From the sounds of it, your tattoo is healing great, but if you have any further questions, you should go to the shop where you got the tattoo to have them look at it. It is really hard to make a call on how the tattoo is healing without being able to see it.

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No. Just express yourself. Its not gay to tattoo your hands.

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black and white because the color is darker on your skin.

Can you tattoo white over black?

only if you can get to the tattoo shop but seriously yes and no

Where can you find a tattoo parlor that will give you a tattoo with parental consent mesa AZ?

The laws in Arizona are pretty specific. They can give a tattoo to a minor. But it requires the physical presence of a parent at the tattoo parlor.

Can you tattoo yourself with bleach I have a friend that said that if you keep it inked on your hand for a few weeks and bleach it on that its a safe way to make a temporary tattoo?

I think you can tattoo yourself with bleach but I think there'll be chemicals you wouldn't want on you...

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5150 is a tattoo that they give the criminally insane.

Can you legally give your 11 year old child a tattoo?

You have to be 18 for a tattoo. It is illegal to give a tattoo to a child under 18. Under eighteen year-olds can only have 'hena' tattoo's' and the fake ones.

Is it illegal to give a tattoo to an adult in the state of kansas?

It is not illegal, but I suggest not to get a tattoo.