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There is less breakthrough bleeding with a higher dose pill. If the pack has 28 days you will still get your period every 28 days.

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Q: Does taking a high dose of birth control change your periods if you where on a low one before?
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Is it normal to have a heavy period after you stop taking the birth control pill?

For me it is. But if you continue to have heavy periods and if you did not have heavy periods before you started your pill then you should see your OBGYN. Good luck and God Bless:)

How long til periods are normal after taking hormone meds?

After you stop the birth control pill, your cycles will return to their natural pattern within a couple of months. If your periods were irregular before you went on the pill, they're likely to be irregular after.

After taking ipill you get periods before 15 days is it normal?

If you are referring to taking the morning after pill then this is a common side effect of MAP. However, I would recommend you perform a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after taking MAP. With regards to birth control, if you have not missed any pills then this is not normal. This usually indicates that the birth control you are on is not suitable for you or that you have conceived. I would recommend you see your Doctor for a change in medication. Meanwhile, use a condom continously from now until you have been taking the new birth control for 4 weeks.

How do Birth control pills affect a woman's menstrual periods?

A woman's menstrual periods are regular and usually lighter when she is taking oral contraceptives

Does lipofuze affect birth control?

I have been taking Lipofuze for 3 days, and i I have been taking Loestrin for about a year or two. I only take birth control to make my periods regular (I am not sexually active). On the third day of Lipofuze I had some spotting (which is about a week before my scheduled period)

If you stopped taking your birth control pills and then started to bleed two days later was that your period?

Periods on the pill isn't exactly the same as the periods naturally regulated by your body. You might have to wait a while before it's all "natural" again.

Were you taking birt?

Were you taking birth control pills before TTC?

How soon after you stop taking birth control pills should your periods become regular?

A couple of months.

What would cause breakthrough bleeding in between periods while taking birth control pills?

fibriod tumors

What if you bleed while taking the active birth control pills?

I assume you are taking the pill like yasmin or something to that effect. I can honestly say that when you are taking a birth control, it is normal for it to regulate your periods, but honestly, sometimes nature comes before any chemical you can treat it. So if you think this is a major side effect, talk to your dr. If not, go with the flow. No pun intended.

Can you take birth control to delay period if you're not on birth control?

You shouldn't be taking birth control if you're not prescribed it. Birth control pills don't stop periods, they stop pregnancy.

Are there certain foods to avoid while taking the pill to regulate periods?

There are no known food-birth control pill interactions, neither for birth control nor menstrual control use.