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Yes, yes it does!

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Q: Does sweating help get THC out of your system?
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How do you clens your system of thc?

Niacin lots of Niacin. But he cautious cause it doesn't always work. Sweating, and pissing will help too. And cranberry pills. But if you need to cleanse why smoke?

Can you reduce THC through sweating?


Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

Will protective antioxidants clear THC from your system?

No. Nothing will "Clear THC from your system" reliably. Traditional approaches stem around "sweating" it out - but THC is fat soluble, I wouldn't expect even this to work. It's interesting to note that THC is actually a *very* protective antioxidant it's self.

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What can help flush THC out of your system?

Nothing. It stays in the fat and hair cells.

What antibiotics can help clean THC out of your system?

THC isn't alive, antibiotics wouldn't do anything except kill your white blood cells.

Vodka help you clean THC out of your system?

No it won't. THC is fat soluble, only water and exercise will effectively clean it out of the human body.

Does sonnys7 help clean the THC out of your system?

Nothing can get it completely out if your system but time. Although its possible, It's illegal to intentionally cover up the THC in your system to pass a drug test, so I can't tell you how.

What body system causes sweating?

The Excretory system is responsible for sweating.

Does drinking lime juice help get marijuana out of your system?

Yes, lemonade will help get THC out of your system. But it is nowhere near the best way. Of course there are many products available on the market that can help but many of those are expensive and some make false claims. A good way to get rid of THC in your system is to drink lots of water, about 2-3 gallons a day, and drink cranberry juice. Water will flush your system and the cranberry juice will help to detox the THC from your fat cells. About 4-5 glasses of juice a day will do the trick. This will greatly speed up the time it takes for THC to get out of your system.