Yes. Smoking anything rases your heart rate. It does this because of the smoke in your lungs.
i have 3 stents in heart arteries i have been smoking Marijuana for 3 years now and the only problem i have had is anxiety from smoking to much of a high THC content strain. I have also notice some strains will make me have a fast heart beat which is nothing to worry about because Marijuana does that. what i do is i right down the strain that sets me over the edge and dont touch it again.
Smoking marijuana can affect bone health by decreasing bone density and potentially leading to a higher risk of fractures. Additionally, smoking marijuana can impair coordination and judgement, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries that could impact bones.
A study reported by The American Heart Association in February 2000, concluded that smoking marijuana can precipitate a heart attack in persons with preexisting heart conditions.
Less than zero That's a stupid answer a least one person has to have died from a heart attack cause by marijuana. Marijuana causes the heart to beat 40 time faster than a person who doesn't smoke marijuana. It makes them 5 times at risk of a heart attack ( 1 in 1,000 people) then people who don't smoke.
It can cause problems with the heart and lungs and cause your child to have an arrhythmia, asthma, and other breathing issues, also the effects on your child are worse then if he is smoking marijuana. Hope this helped.
no. but it is normal for your heart rate to go up. if your heart stings hours after smoking the marijuana, than its probably not the marijuana doing it. it may be laced, but very unlikely. maybe it wasnt the marijuana, and its something else? dont smoke weed if your getting bad chest pains and you think the weed is causing it.
Smoking can cause emphysema, heart disease, and cancer.
Abuse of any drug can cause problems. However, long term marijuana use does not cause cancer or heart disease, like cigarettes could.Psychologically, long term use of marijuana could bring out underlying mental illnesses (such as a depressed person getting more depressed).
Yes, Marijuana damages the heart by making it work faster. This increased heart rate is as an associative symptom of anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoia which are the effects of Marijuana. Re: Raising your heart rate does not necessarily mean damage. Caffeine and exercise will do this. No medical link between marijuana use and heart disease have ever been found: this from the Santa Barbara Cardiovascular Group. The only benefit mentioned was marijuana lowers blood pressure.
Any physical activity will cause your heart to beat at faster rate. Even psychological stress will cause your heart to beat at faster rate.
YES . studies show that with in the first hour of consumption of marijuana. your chances of a heart attack are more then 5 times likely. for various reasons such as increased heart rate. but that is not the only health risk of marijuana. it has been shown to be linked to depression. suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia