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It's supposed to. If not, there could be problems in the relationship.

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Q: Does sexual intercourse feel good
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Does it feel good when you have sexual intercourse?

Yes, it feels very good.

When man and woman having sexual intercourse also that woman is her first time to have sexual intercourse what she will feel?

She will feel anxiety and then extreme relief and a extremely good feeling during and after the orgasm.

What does sexual intercourse feel?


Does humping during sexual intercourse feel good?

Yes, it is one of the most common motions in intercourse. Sex feels good for the majority of people so yes, it feels good.

How does a women feel during sexual intercourse?

they try to feel brave

Can sexual intercourse speed up the delivery of a baby?

No. You can have sexual intercourse when you're pregnant, though it might feel a little different

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Does my husband feel good when you pee on him during sexual intercourse?

When I do it he gets very angry and threatens me with physical harm. When you do it he might like it.

Why is sex required?

It's not "required". It's a choice. The main purpose of sexual intercourse is to reproduce. In order to keep the species going. The secondary use of sexual intercourse is to show your love to another person by making them feel really good.

How do you make good sexual intercourse?

Consideration and practice.

Why do girls moan when you have sexual intercourse?

it feels good to them

What is sexul relation?

The same as sexual intercourse. If you don't know that term either, the Wikipedia article on "sexual intercourse" should give you a good overview.