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Of course! He comes whether it is raining or snowing.

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They go so fast, they barely feel rain!

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Q: Does santa still come when it rains?
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Does santa still live?

Yes, Santa is still alive and well, and is essentially immortal, so he will be around for a long time to come.

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i hate to tell you this but santa is still alive, he's gagged and bound in my cupboard.

When was There Will Come Soft Rains created?

"There Will Come Soft Rains" was written by Ray Bradbury in 1950 and published in his collection of short stories titled "The Martian Chronicles" in 1951.

How do you know what time Santa will come to your house?

That depends on what time you fall asleep. Santa will only come after dark, if you are in bed, sleeping.

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The cast of When the Rains Come Again - 2011 includes: Garry Youngberry as himself

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In the story "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury, all the people have been killed by a nuclear blast, leaving only the automated house standing. The house continues to function as if the family was still there, despite their absence.

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They are just lying. You will not get cole. Santa may be checking his list. And if you have been bad once he will still give you presents. See your parents might not have very much money. If you dont believe in santa then where do the presents come from? They come from santa. BELIEVE AND RECIEVE!!!!!

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Desert animals stay dry when it rains. When the rain stops, they come out to drink water.

Will Santa come to Auckland?

Absolutely, Santa will be there.

What is the name of the family in there will come soft rains?

the McClellans