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Yes, he brings gifts for all the good boys and girls.

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Q: Does santa bring you presents when you don't have a Christmas tree?
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Does santa bring ponies for Christmas?

No they dont fit in his bag...... :/

Does vanuatu celebrate Christmas?

well if you believe in santa , santa is there! :) if you dont hes not! the presents which u get on x mas is a proof that santa is there!:P

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When Christmas Comes I dont want a bike or toys or things that other kids like i dont want a cat or a labrador santa bring me a dinosaur

Does santa buys jordans?

santa does buy jordans.if you wanted jordans for christmas and your parents dont let you get a pair santa will. the last thing you want is one of the presents that you are hopeful to get.

Did the workhouse children have presents on Christmas?

no they dont get any presents

Who sang the song at the end of the movie a boyfriend for Christmas which includes the lyrics santa bring a boyfriend for me?

I dont know but i love that movie

How can you buy xbox360 if you dont have money?

write a letter to santa clause and maybe he'll bring it for Christmas and if you're Jewish then you're out of luck.

What does Santa Claus do when it isn't Christmas?

He dont exist.

How Does Santa Claus enter houses to give children Chistmas presents and where does he put them?

Santa enters houses through chimneys, as he is able to magically shrink in size to fit through them. He then places the presents under the Christmas tree or in stockings hung by the fireplace for the children to find in the morning.

Does Santa come if you dont fall asleep?

no, but if you have been good he will come and give you presents

Who puts the presents under the tree?

Your family or santa if you belive because when you belive he does and when you dont he does not.

Do people in Japan have Christmas?

Yes,They do have christmas in japan.They give some kids presents,They exchange present,And some dont even get presents and they just eat cake