Your family or santa if you belive because when you belive he does and when you dont he does not.
Santa puts the presents under the christmas tree
under the tree and in the stoking
You put presents in the stockings and "Santa" puts them under the tree.
The kids' stockings and under the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus goes down the chimney and puts presents under your tree! Merry Christmas!
Edward puts Bella's presents under the floorboards
Your parents would take the presents and put them under the tree.
To put our presents under it!
under the tree and in clogs
Cause its better to put them under the tree, than in the chimney
he is suppose to be a big fat jolly man who rides in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. when an if he comes to your house he comes down the chimney puts presents under your tree, and leaves.
Presents are places under a Christmas Tree.