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It is considered sexual behavior.

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Q: Does rubbing the penis with vagina also constitutes sex?
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What if your penis is to big for the vagina?

Its ok. You can still have sex. You can force the penis inside the vagina coz th vagina is an elastical part of the body. adndin the uterus the baby can fit what are the penis, sure thing it will also.

How does a man squeeze his penis into the vagina?

The vagina can expand a lot, it also produces a natural lubricant that eases intercoarse

'what is the best way to masturbate'?

GIRL: fingering ur vagina (virgins rubbing ur clitoris and gently massaging ur boobs).GUYS:stroking ur penis with oil, or dry. (If you can self suck ur penis tht is also the best way)WHAT HELPS ALOT WITH THT IS WATCHING PORN...

What is a misinterpreted graph?

a graph id misinterpreted when its related to penis and penis is very delicious. also when its factor has a relation with vagina.

What are the bases of gay sex?

If there are two penis's involved it's gay, or also, two vagina's.

Which organ is the habitat of Trichomonas vaginalis?

Vagina/Penis is the Habitat of Trichomonas vaginalis and in another parts also... Fishy smell of Vagina is due to this infection. White discharge inside vagina

What is sex like for girls?

Pleasurable. You feel like you want more. When i did it, i could actually feel his penis rubbing up and down my vagina. Then he started tickling with his hands and licking me there and ohhhhhh! Its actually like when u put in a tampon, but just a lot sexier because you know you have the genitals of the opposite sex caressing your vagina. It can also be a bit gross if you are watching his penis go in and out, but just keep yourself occupied and it will feel so good.

Can you get a girl pregrant from making out and your penis is wet and also is touching the girl's vagina while having jeans or shorts on?

No, this is very unlikely. The penis must be in or at least at the entry to the vagina with nothing between the two. The male must also ejaculate, or at least pre-ejaculate for any chance of a pregnancy.

Does kesha have a penis?

Yes, Kesha has a penis as well as a swollen vagina. Often times after Kesha rapes someone she leaves her penis in the victim's body which requires surgery to take out. Kesha also grows a new penis if she loses one.

Can you loose the baby if you insert a tampon in your virgina?

You can't cause a miscarriage by putting a tampon in your vagina. You also can't cause one from a finger, sex toy, or penis in your vagina.

what is meaning by sex?

Sex also known as sexual intercourse, is when a man placeds his errect penis into a womans vagina. The man will eventually release sperm cells into the womans vagina.

Does both parts of a human hermaphrodite work properly?

People will be surprised to know there are many types of hermaphrodites because it also involves the chromosonal makeup. Some hermaphrodites have a full penis and vagina. Others have a penis and a vagina without ovaries or a uterus. Some may also have a full vagina with a very small penis. All of the above are hermaphrodites but true hermaphrodite has both full organs. Some hermaphrodites can have babies and others can produce a babies. MLK