

Best Answer

I emailed the Bach Flowers company & the woman who replied said:

"The Birth Control pill will not be effected by Rescue Remedy so please do not worry about taking it."

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Q: Does rescue remedy make birth control pills less effective?
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Does rescue remedy affect birth control?

I emailed the Bach Flowers company & the woman who replied said: "The birth control pill will not be effected by Rescue Remedy so please do not worry about taking it."

What is the least effective form of birth control?

Probably praying is the least effective form of birth control.

If on birth control can you still get pregnant?

Yes, you can. While birth control is reliable, there is no birth control that is 100% effective.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant when taking birth control?

No method of birth control is 100% effective.

Is birth control pill is the most common and most effective birth control method?


How long does it take for the birth control pill to be 100 percent effective?

Birth control pills can never be considered 100% effective, im 12 and i no that

If you take birth control at night is it still as effective as taking it in the day?

Yes, the birth control pill will be effective at any time that you choose that is convenient for you. However, you must take your birth control pills everyday at the same time in order for it to remain effective.

What are some effective products for birth control?

There are many effective products and techniques for birth control. The most effective and popular is the contraceptive pill. Also available are condoms, the coil and the cap.

Which form of birth control is 100 percent effective?

In order to be 99.9% proteced from pregnancy while on birth control, you must properly take your birth control.If you are using birth control pills, you must take your birth control every day and at the same time everyday to remain 99.9% protected from pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant by taking birth control?

No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.

Is birth control effective at preventing pregnancy?

it is effective to a point..but not always. you can still get pregnant using birth control. its a big preventor of pregnancy but its still possible to get pregnant.

How long is birth control effective after stopping?

That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.