Please read the whole answer: IMPORTANT!
Nicotine does not contain tar.
The Cigaret smoke Contains both Tar and Nicotine with a whole other bunch of crud you do not want in your lungs.
Bidi cigarettes contain up to 3 times the amount of nicotine, that traditional cigarettes have. Bidi's also have 5 times the amount of tar a regular cigarette has.
The tobacco plant naturally produces nicotine, which is a stimulant found in cigarettes. Tar is not produced by the plant itself, but forms as a residue when tobacco is burned.
nicotine ashes and lung cancer.
A "thin" Golden Virginia cigarette (using 0.4g of tobacco) rolled to be 5.2mm wide will contain 8mg of tar and 0.7mg of nicotine A "wide" Golden Virginia cigarette (using .75g of tobacco) rolled to be 7.2mm wide will contain 15mg tar and 1.3 mg nicotine *Source - Writing on a 50g packet of Golden Virginia Hand Rolling Tobacco*
Slate is the cigarette that has the lowest nicotine and tar and is sold in Louisiana.
It is nicotine.
Kent HD Spectra: tar - 6 mg; nicotine - 0,5 mg Kent Convertibles: tar - 4 mg; nicotine - 0,3 mg Kent HD Futura (Futura 8): tar - 8 mg; nicotine - 0,7 mg Kent HD Neo (Neo 4): tar - 4 mg; nicotine - 0,3 mg Kent HD Infinia (White 1): tar - 1 mg; nicotine - 0,1 mg Kent Nanotek Neo: tar - 4 mg; nicotine - 0,4 mg Kent Nanotek Infina: tar - 1 mg; nicotine - 0,2 mg Kent Nanotek Futura: tar - 7 mg; nicotine - 0,6 mg
sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotine
5.9 mg tar, .77 mg nicotine
Cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals, including at least 69 known to cause cancer. These chemicals include various toxic substances such as tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde.