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Q: Does marijuana use show up in an eye exam?
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Does pot use show in an eye exam?

yes pot is bad for everything, except for making your life better by putting a smile on your face.

Will drug use show up on a physical exam when blood is drawn?

it depends on the type of drug you are using, anything from marijuana to cocaine definitely won't, but if you have been using needles and injecting heroin or something like steroids they show up quite vibrantly

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Can you use dark eyeglasses issued after a total eye exam to watch solar eclipse?

no because it will still kill your eyesight.

How do you protect our eyes give 5?

Sunglasses against sun damage Use contact lenses as directed Get eye exam including glaucoma check regularly Use eye protection for sports, yard work, woodworking, etc. Avoid chronic use of vasoconstricting eye drops

Do doctors use marijuana for fibromyalgia?

Doctors can recommend the use of marijuana.

Does legal marijuana show up in drug screen?

Usually, the only reason you would get a urine test is because you were accused of the illegal use of "maryjane" so yes,indeed, it does show up.

What percentage of teens use marijuana?

Approximately 13.3% of US high school students in 2019 reported using marijuana in the past month according to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How do you get rid of the redness of the eyes after marijuana use?

Just put some eye drops in and you should be fine. However, if you are too stoned to do this by yourself, have a trusted friend do it for you.

What is the healthiest way to use marijuana?

The healthiest way to use marijuana would be to eat it. You get the marijuana benefits without the drawbacks of smoking.

Does marijuana use increase dopamine in brain?

does marijuana use increase dopamine in the brain

How can you pass a urine test if you use marijuana daily?

You can't. Posting any suggestions on how to pass is illegal, by the way. So don't do it. I second the person above me, theres no way, your system is dead inside exactly what is there to show? Hope you dont use marijuana