Usually, the only reason you would get a urine test is because you were accused of the illegal use of "maryjane" so yes,indeed, it does show up.
It just gave me a false positive for marijuana for a drug screen for a job.
Not on a typical drug screen, which screens for cocaine, opiates, marijuana, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. However, if the test is a full toxicology screen, metabolites of geodon may show up.
It will show the presence of cannabinoids, the metabolites of marijuana. But it will show this only if this particular test is part of the screen. Screens can be for one or more substances; they don't all automatically test for every possible substance.
If you are talking about synthetic marijuana then, no, it will not show up on a drug test. If you are talking about medical marijuana which some people refer to as legal, then no, it is not. If it is the synthetic, it has no thc, it makes you high through a number of different chemicals that are horrible for your mind and body.
As marijuana.
The chemical found in marijuana can remain in your system for up to 30 days.
Kadian is an opiate class drug - and will show up as an opiate on a drug screen.
no, if you just had it in your hands it will not show on a drug test.
Ultram is Tramadol & does not show up on a drug screen because it is not an opiate.
I didn't know there WERE topical ointments containing marijuana. There are topical products like hand creams that have hemp oil in them, but they're THC-free.