Marijuana does not directly affect weight loss or gain. It is known to stimulate the appetite of people who use it regularly. People who eat more because of this may gain weight.
People who stop using marijuana and stop eating as much due to a reduced appetite may lose weight.
it can cause a loss of motivation even in the most motivated people, its probably one of the worst things about the drug, but saying that, it effects everyone in different ways, some people get paranoid some people get pchycosis, some people cant get out of bed in the mornings and some people live totally normal lives while smoking cannabis, it also depends on what strain of the drug you are smoking, some varieties will actually motivate you, while others will make you depressed and everything in-between.
Marijuana may cause memory loss.
marijuana can prevent you from learning new things, cause laziness in a sense that you have no motivation or desire to learn and it can lead to addiction.
Signs of marijuana users include but not limited to:contracted pupilsamotivational syndrome (lack of motivation)glassy eyesloud talking and inappropriate laughterbloodshot eyesshort term memory loss
Marijuana will cause you to have bad judgement, impaired reaction time, Impaired coordination and loss of appetite.
Marijuana really isin't as bad as people make it out to be. If it is used in regulation, it can cause short term memory loss and bronchitis. It can sometimes cause brain and memory damage, but only if you smoke a LOT.
The marijuana itself has no influence on your weight gain/loss. Marijuana does, however, cause an increase in appetite and that again may lead to weightgain.
the intake of marijuana, as long as it is not daily, has no risks(if you dont have a condition that says otherwise)
After a hard loss they get motivation
No deaths or disseases are caused by marijuana. however, There is other side effects. such as memory loss.
The same as the motivation for engaging in any business, there is BIG money to be made in it.
No. Medical marijuana will not forestall loss of muscle mass. In states where it is apporoved, medical marijuana is used to boost appetite or cope with the side effects of HIV medications.